Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Resolute - A Review

A Review

A short while ago I needed to contact the author about some details related to this book.  In my note to her I wrote:

It was an amazing book that had me in tears as I read it.  It needs to be read  by everyone who is aging or knows someone who is doing so.  Thanks for writing and sharing.

I have been reading this author’s books for two or three years now - and they keep getting better.  The loss that Doug Bolling and his family would need to live through and accept would change them all.  Though anger was certainly part of that process, so was healing - of both the past, present, and future.  Even as I a reader experience tears as I read, I suspect that Doug’s family would do the same.  But those tears both gave strength and relief for those difficult times.

I discovered in my own life that tears are both a tool that God uses to let go of the past and to help us move onto the future.  Resolute served as a reminder of that truth - not only in my own life, but in the lives of others God puts across my path.  Just as sin can damage generations within a family, so can the grace that God offers to each of us can reach across generations into the future.  It is a truth demonstrated in Doug Bolling’s life and the life of his family.  

There is no hint in this book if there will be more to the Bolling family story.  If there is more, I will look forward to how Doug’s life and healing continues to touch future generations (hint: the book ends with a wedding).  If this book is the conclusion of the Bolling family saga, it is a good place for it to end - we know that Doug’s life has touched many.  

Watching and reading about God’s role in the Bolling family has been fun.  It serves as a reminder that God plays a role in other’s families as well.  As faith led Doug and his family through some very difficult times, it can do the same for each of us.  That lesson has been present in Paula Wiseman’s stories from the beginning.  It is present in this book as well.

This review is based on a free electronic copy provided by the author for the purpose of creating this review.  The opinions expressed are my own.

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