Thursday, January 19, 2012

Steve Jobs : A Review

Though written for a younger audience, Steve Jobs by Nick Hunter serves as a suitable introduction to the men, times, and institutions that built the first personal computers and shaped much of the electronics industry for 30 years.

Jobs was involved at many levels, both inside and outside Apple. After leaving Apple in 1985, he created a new computer box, NeXT. Where Apple succeeded beyond his wildest dreams (“he never needed to work again”), NeXT was a colossal failure. From NeXT he jumped into the movie industry, purchasing a small computer animation studio called the Graphics Group - which he later renamed Pixar. Pixar was sold to Disney in 2006 for $74 billion.

This was the beginning - ten years after leaving Apple, he would again become part of the Apple team. The iMac, the iPod, the iPad, and more, would follow, leaving former rivals in the dust.

Hunter’s book also introduces us to Job’s struggle to understand business. From Wall Street to building brand loyalty were all lessons that Jobs had to learn.

The book ends with a series of “appendixes” that contribute to the books value - five characteristics that define the successful entrepreneur, a glossary that defines many of the formal terms used in the book, and an index to the people, ideas, and products discussed in the book.

The world lost a brilliant man on October 5, 2011, when Steve Jobs passed away. Nick Hunter has done a good job of introducing us to this man.

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