Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Spontaneous : A Review


Written by Joe Harris

Drawn by Bret Weldele

A Review

Spontaneous is a well done story told as a graphics novel. Melvin Reyes’ father was the first, but not the last person to burn from SHC - Spontaneous Human Combustion. The novel focuses on Melvin’s attempt to discover the “why” beyond these events. The story has the qualities one would expect of a good mystery or thriller - it draws the reader in and then resolves itself without the use of magic or other worldly science fiction.

The artwork is not typical “comic art”, but make use of water color and pencil drawings - done effectively with this book.

As well as being a well -written story, it also addresses issues that face all of us in the 21st century. Particularly, it addresses the ethics of big business as it goes about developing new products - one can almost hear echos of the UK publisher, speaking to their recent cell-phone hacking scandal, “Ethics … I don’t even know what that is.”

This review is based on a free

electronic copy provided by the publisher

in order to create this review.

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