Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Son of Hamas

A Book Review

Occasionally a book seems so uninteresting that the reader does not want to finish reading to the end. Son of Hamas was such a book – I was about halfway through and I came real close to putting it down and writing the review that is beginning to sound like.

I am glad I did not do it. Here is the real story of man who lived inside one of the sources of terror in the Middle East – yet was sensitive enough to see inconsistencies in the faith he had been given as a child. The second half of the book details the author's conflict as he struggles to understand his Islamic background, the Israeli security police and their need to keep Israeli population safe, and the Christian students whom he had joined for Bible Study. It was not an easy journey, but one that left the author fully in the hands of Jesus Christ.

Confused by the events in the Middle East, the author takes time to explain the political, military, cultural, and religious issues that dominate the region. From the earliest beginnings of Hamas (as started by seven men, including the author's father) through the events of 9/11 to his eventual move to the United States and request for political asylum – granted in June 2010.

The book is as thrilling as any mystery on the best sellers list – except this story is true. It provides background that I have not seen elsewhere and explains events that were simply recorded in the evening's news. It is worth the time spent time reading – both for the casual reader and for the committed believer.

This review is based on a free copy of the book supplied by the Tyndale Blog Network.

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