Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Good Book - A Review


A Review

The author has written a series of essays that look at 40 important chapters from the Scriptures (20 from the Old Testament and 20 from the New Testament).  The book begins each essay by providing the chapter as written in the Christian Standard Version. The essay then begins to discuss the chosen chapter that reads much like an extended sermon - with illustrations and applications.  The essay ends with a brief exercise allowing the reader to personalize the chapter.
As the reader moves through the book he or she will see the connections that make the 66 books ONE book. The book provides an overview of the scriptures - its story, its theology, and its application.
The material is suitable for both individual study or small group study. The material might also serve as the foundation of a year long preaching series - allowing a church to review the teaching of the entire Bible together.
This review is based on a free electronic copy provided by the publisher for the purpose of creating this review.  The opinions expressed are my own.

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