Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Closer Than She Knows - A Review


Closer Than She Knows


Kelly Irwin

Her prayer life was more
a series of discussions
between an Abba Father and
His recalcitrant daughter. 

It is not often I read a book for a second time - I did this one. Not because it was great (though, it was good), but because I read it the first time last February. I was ready to review it, but then the 2020-pandemic hit. My schedules changed, my wife was home, meals were a bit different. And for 6-8 weeks my habit of reading and reviewing got sidelined. I have mostly caught up on my reviews, but this book got pushed to the bottom of the pile. Now, six months later, I discovered the missing review; but to prepare a current and fair review, I needed to reread the book. I am glad I did.

Kelly Irwin has written a faith-based novel that focuses on the court recorder daughter of a law enforcement heavy family. Her father and two of Teagan O’Rourke siblings were in law enforcement. One stepsister chose law school - a close second. A serial killer was slowly murdering the important people around her, co-workers, friends, and now, it seemed, family members. The clock was ticking before another would die. The family, working with the San Antonio Police Department, and the youth pastor, who was sweet on Teagan, would need to follow the clues - would they lead to a murderer or to a trap.

Teagan would need to learn (or was it relearn) to trust God - both for her and her family’s safety and for her future. They would be hard lessons to learn. 

The book held this reader’s attention from chapter one to chapter forty-two. Though not planned, it was a book worth reading a second time.


This review is based on a free electronic copy provided by the publisher for the purpose of creating this review.  The opinions expressed are my own.

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