Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lethal Remedy - A Review

Lethal Remedy

Over the last couple of years as my wife and I struggled with a variety of difficulties - job loss, health issues, family deaths, etc. In the midst of our lives we discovered a set of three questions would get us through those days when life seemed to be getting the best of us:

    1. Who do you have to trust? God
    2. What do you have to do? The best you can
    3. What else do you have to do? Nothing

Lethal Remedy by Richard Mabry, MD, stresses the truth of these simple statements. As John deals with an unexpected health crisis, as Sara deals with the pain of a divorce, as Mark deals with the death of his wife, these men and women are called together to fight a bigger crisis - the potential side effects of a new medication.

And in the midst of their growing concern stands the men who hold allegiance to Jandra Pharmaceuticals. Men who are capable of anything, even murder, to bring their new drug to market.

Lethal Remedy is a well written story by an accomplished writer - though this is the first book I have read by Richard Mabry, it will not be my last.

This review is based on pre-released copy provided by the publisher in support of this unbiased review.

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