Wednesday, January 28, 2015

God’s Story in 66 Verses - A Review

A Review

I was concerned when I first saw the title of this book.  God provided 66 books in the Bible - how could anyone fairly reduce each book to a single verse?  Obviously, one cannot.

However, unlike the title suggests, the Stan Guthrie does not do so.  Rather than providing a commentary on 66 verses, he provides a rather complete introduction to each of the 66 book beginning with what most of us would call the key verse.  

As is my usual practice with such books, rather than reading the entire book, I spend time exploring those books I am currently studying.  This week that involves the book of Galatians in the NT (from which I am preaching) and the book of Joel in the OT (the subject of a small group Bible Study I am part of).  In each case the author has created an accurate introduction to the texts, using not just the key text but several key texts found throughout the book being studied. I found the book easy to read and follow - even though it has a degree of depth I might not expect from such an introduction.  Though written for a more scholarly audience, the content and overview provided is similar to that provided by Henrietta Mears in her classic, What the Bible is All About.  The content could also serve as an the book introduction similar to that found at the beginning of most Study Bibles, but with a bit more depth.

The book could be a good Bible introduction for anyone seeking to read the Bible through in a year or two.  It could also serve as the starting point for a sermon series moving a congregation through the entire Bible - a dream of mine, but unlikely to occur given my current congregation. content is too brief to serve as a Bible Introduction text in a College or Seminary course, but might serve that purpose well in a Sunday School or small group Bible Study.   

This review is based on a free electronic copy provided by the publisher for the purpose of creating this review.  The opinions expressed are my own.

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