Monday, May 10, 2021

Never Miss - A Review


Never Miss


Melissa Koslin

A Review

“I would never tell anyone they should believe anything simply because I said so,”

he said. “People should study for themselves.
Read both theologians and atheists, read the history and the science,
and then make your own logical conclusions.”

The author has composed a fast-paced novel on bioterrorism unleashed upon the leaders of the American government and medicine. Two very different people, one a nerd with three doctorates and one a trained assassin, will need to track down a small group of insurgents who have hopes of destroying humanity in support of their ecological motive.

The book occasionally had me looking for added details in Google (always a good sign) and staying up late to finish the book (another good sign). I was amazed how often the characters twitched (13x), quirked (2x), or tweaked (5x), their mouths. At one point it became a distraction - as it might if I were to interact with someone with similar habits in the real world.

Though this faith-based novel did a nice job of explaining faith to a non-believer (part of which is quoted above), and explores the characters response over time to those details, the book is in no way overly religious. I easily give the book five-stars.


This review is based on a free electronic copy provided by the publisher for the purpose of creating this review. The opinions expressed are mine alone.

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